TOS: the database of Policies and 'Terms Of Services' for Software and Websites.

web graphics
Weebly 2018-02-21
Openclipart 2016-04-22
Flaticon 2016-04-22
PIngendo 2015-10-01
Flippa - Privacy 2015-04-09
Flippa 2015-04-09
Getty Images IT 2015-01-28
Getty Images IT 2015-01-28
Freeimages - image license 2015-01-28
Freeimages 2015-01-28
123RF Stock Photography 2015-01-28
Shutterstock tos 2015-01-28
Shutterstock 2015-01-28
Dollar Photo club TOS 2015-01-28
Dollar Photo club free license 2015-01-28
Icons Mind 2014-11-13
Fontastic Free Icon Font Generator 2014-02-24
MyEcoverMaker 2014-02-06
Behance 2014-01-22
Bitstrips 2013-12-11
ThemeForest 2013-11-22
Bootswatch 2013-11-22
Piktochart 2013-11-22
Infogram 2013-11-22
Dribbble 2013-11-19
PopCorn-js 2013-10-17 2013-10-10
FontDeck 2013-10-10
Endlessicons 2013-08-30
Ooomf 2013-07-22
Clker 2013-01-25
Tripline 2012-12-09
Creonomy 2012-05-12
4templates tos 2012-03-09
TemplateMonster 2011-04-13
Elegantthemes 2011-04-13
Thumbalizr 2010-04-09

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